Mexico says 200 retired Mexican boxers who fought in California may qualify for pensions

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico said Friday more than 200 retired Mexican boxers who fought in California may be eligible for pensions.

The little-known pension fund holds about $2.5 million. Boxers of any nationality over the age of 50 were eligible, provided they fought one fight per year for four years, or 75 professional rounds in total, in California.

Mexico’s foreign relations department said it has a list of 206 Mexican boxers who may be eligible. The department said it has already located 23 ex-boxers and issued checks to four of them.

One of those who received a check was José Refugio “Cuco” Rojas. Rojas said he had no idea the money existed until he received a phone call four months ago saying he was eligible.

“It was very simple,” Rojas said of the application process, adding that “money is always welcome.”

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