William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman Get Passionate About Abortion, New ‘Roe v. Wade’ Podcast

William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman talk about a new podcast

William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman say they’ve launched the new “Supreme: The Battle for Roe” scripted abortion podcast for their daughters. (Illustration by Aisha Yousaf for Yahoo/Photo: Getty Images)

William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman are partners in life, so it’s no surprise they’ve teamed up for a new professional project — and this one’s personal.

The actors star in the new audio drama Supreme: The Battle for Roea series of scripted podcasts on the real history of the monument Roe vs. Wade case. Macy and Huffman told Yahoo Entertainment they wanted to do the project for ‘our daughters’ after the US Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to abortion last year, reversing the five-decade-old ruling. .

“I thought it wouldn’t be inflammatory…but I think it’s ridiculous that the government would decide something like that for us. What part of America doesn’t they understand?” says Macy. “And I find it infuriating that Republicans keep saying, ‘Smaller government, states’ rights, blah, blah, blah.’ I know they use state rights as an excuse to enact all these restrictions or bans, but the secret is out of the bag – now they’re trying to make it federal law. I don’t understand how they say, “Get rid of the government” and yet they want them in our ovaries. »

Huffman and Macy are the parents of Sophia, 22, and Georgia, 21. Desperate Housewives the star says she was also inspired to do Supremean iHeartPodcast, because of their children.

“Our daughters have fewer rights and less autonomy over their bodies than I do,” Huffman says. “And I don’t think people know the story of Roe vs. Wade “I didn’t know the story.”

The nine-part series follows the journey of Sarah Weddington (voiced by Maya Hawke), the youngest woman to ever argue a case before the Supreme Court, who represented Jane Roe. Weddington was just 26 and had never tried a court case before successfully arguing what would eventually legalize abortion in the United States. In tandem, the podcast tells the story of Judge Harry Blackmun, played by Macy, who authored the landmark decision. Huffman plays his wife, Dottie Blackmun.

Macy says he learned “tons” preparing to play Blackmun, particularly how Justice used the 14th Amendment in the majority opinion, which held that a woman’s right to an abortion is implicit in the constitutionally protected right to privacy.

“I think the framers of the constitution wanted to put into the document the idea that we should restrict our rights as American citizens as little as possible…and let the people decide for themselves as much as possible,” he said. THE Shameless says the star, baffled by how “a committee” now determines “if a woman has an abortion.”

“It’s his choice,” said the Oscar-nominated actor. “You can’t let the legislator tell you what to do.”

Huffman also says that completing the project “has been eye-opening.”

“I learned a lot. And in addition, while you listen to the podcast, you get sucked into the story”, notes the actress, who resumed her career at the start of the year following a brief sentence for her role in the college admissions scandal. “I think [director Rachel Winter] does a wonderful job. It’s kind of an old-school radio, which is kind of wonderful. You can kind of sit down or take a walk and you’re taken into a story and you fall in love with the characters. I fell in love with Blackmun – even though I’m married to the guy who played him – I just love this guy.”

The repercussions of deerThe inversion continues. Late Tuesday night, Republicans in Iowa passed a bill banning most abortions after six weeks. It was challenged in court on Wednesday by reproductive rights groups, setting up what is sure to be a long battle.

“I’m not surprised that this is becoming science fiction to me so quickly…something incomprehensible,” Huffman said of the news. “But I will say, just personally, it makes me really sad. It makes me really sad.”

Huffman continues, “And I understand that both sides are so into it. I think what the podcast does really well is that it’s about the right to choose. It’s about the right to choose! And This country was founded on the right to choose, basically, about everything. You know, you can’t have taxation without representation. We have to have a voice. You have to be able to choose.

Supreme is available on the iHeartRadio app and all major podcast listening platforms with new episodes available weekly on Wednesdays.

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