White House Taunts ‘Worst Person’ Matt Gaetz With A Well-Timed Meme

The White House found a rare moment of agreement with extremist Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), then let him know in the form of a pretty vicious meme.

Gaetz on Wednesday said any government shutdown would “absolutely” be the fault of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

“We cannot blame Joe Biden for not having moved our individual spending bills,” he said, according to Fox News digital reporter Liz Elkind. “We cannot blame House Democrats. We can’t even blame Chuck Schumer in the Senate.”

Gaetz has been threatening to file a motion to get McCarthy booted from the speaker’s chair.

The White House shared Elkind’s tweet with the Gaetz quote along with the meme “Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point.”

The meme originated in a 2018 story on Clickhole, a satirical website.

“Out of nowhere, the most loathsome person you’ve ever met in your whole life chimed into the argument with a completely valid and irrefutable point,” the original story says. “All you can do now is try to pick up the pieces, move on, and pray that this pompous moron never makes another great point ever again.”

Supporters of President Joe Biden loved the sassy attitude coming from the White House social media team:

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