Ukraine plans to impose sanctions on Iran for 50 years

President Volodymyr Zelensky submitted a draft resolution to the Verkhovna Rada to impose 50-year sanctions against Iran.

Source: draft resolution on the approval of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of May 27, 2023 “On the application of special sectoral economic measures and other restrictive measures (sanctions) against the Islamic Republic of ‘Iran”.

According to the document, the sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran are applied for a period of 50 years and include a complete ban on commercial operations, the suspension of the transit of resources, flights and transport in Ukraine and the prevention of exits from capital of Iranian residents.

The Cabinet of Ministers, the Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the National Bank and other competent public authorities must implement and monitor the sanctions.

The document also proposes to prohibit any investment in Iran and the transfer of technology and intellectual property rights by residents of Ukraine.

In addition, it is proposed to suspend electronic means of payment (including transfers, settlements and cash withdrawals) issued by residents of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The National Bank is also prohibited from registering an international payment system operated by Iran.


At a meeting on Tuesday, April 25, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to submit proposals to the National Security and Defense Council to impose sectoral sanctions on Iran.

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