Suspect of horrific Capitol Hill stabbing charged

King County prosecutors are charging Sana Ceesay with the brutal July 4 murder. Court documents show Ceesay is charged with first-degree murder on Friday, after witnesses saw him stab Fontaine Jackson Jr. to death. These same court documents show that the two did not know each other. A relative of these witnesses said he saw the suspect and the victim together on several occasions.

“It’s crazy to think that this is where it happened. one guy stabbing the other guy,” Marcus Putman said as he stood at the intersection of Broadway and E. Pike Street.

Footage of the horrific attack shows Marcus’ friend running towards the victim, Fontaine Jackson Jr. as he was bleeding.

“I feel bad for my mate Casey, hope he gets through this. you can definitely see it in his eyes. It definitely affects him,” Marcus said.

At this time, investigators believe the stabbing was completely random. Court documents show Jackson yelled “Why are you doing this?” I don’t even know you,” as he ran away from Ceesay.

“The guy who runs the hot dog stand, he used to tell me that he saw them together regularly. they hung out together a lot,” Marcus said. He added, “Like Hauk said, it was very unusual for him to attack him because usually he’s a quiet, collected guy for the most part, the guy who killed the guy.

The suspect, Sana Ceesay, and the victim, Fontaine Jackson Jr., were known to police. Both men had records in Seattle dating back to around 2000. Both had also been charged with assault or convicted that year. The victim, Fontaine Jackson, had a jurisdictional hearing for an alleged assault in June. During that hearing, Jackson Jr. admitted to regularly using methamphetamine and having hallucinations and delusions. He also said he had lived on the streets of Seattle for 35 years.

Court documents show the suspect, Ceesay, hit someone in the head with a rubber mallet last year and was convicted in March. In 2020 he also went to someone’s head. This time it was with an axe. He was convicted of this crime in 2022.

“What we want to do is show the court the fullest picture, so not just the allegation, but also the details that we have from investigators that could influence the court’s decision, particularly around a high bail amount,” said Casey McNerthney of the King County District Attorney’s Office. .

Ceesay’s bail was set at $2,000,000. His next court date is July 20. He will enter a plea that day.

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