Saboteurs perform successful work in Russia’s Moscow and Kaluga oblasts – Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) has reported that saboteurs destroyed a fuel tanker in Russia’s Moscow Oblast and four pieces of vehicle equipment in the country’s Kaluga Oblast on the night of 23-24 September.

Source: DIU

Quote: “Unknown saboteurs expanded the geography of cotton [i.e. performed successful sabotage efforts – ed.] in the territory of the aggressor country on the night of 23-24 September, having successfully acted in Russia’s Moscow and Kaluga oblasts.

A fuel tanker was destroyed on the territory of the military camp of the 2nd Motorised Division of the 1st Tank Army (military unit No. 23626, the settlement of Kalininets, Naro-Fominsky district).

Four vehicles with trailers were destroyed on the territory of the military camp of the 60th armoury (military unit No. 42702, Kaluga).”

Details: DIU added that photos and videos will be released later for security reasons.


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