Nikki Haley says she has doubts whether Trump will ‘abide by the Constitution’ as president

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” on Friday that she doesn’t know whether Donald Trump would follow the Constitution if elected president again.

“I don’t know. I mean, you always want to think someone will, but I don’t know,” Haley said.

Citing Trump’s remarks over the course of his campaign about using a second term for “revenge” or “retribution,” Haley said, “What does that mean? Like, I don’t know what that means. And only he can answer for that.”

Haley’s remarks come just days ahead of Super Tuesday — where she may not win any of the 15 states voting in the GOP presidential primary that day — as Trump seems poised to secure the Republican presidential nomination in coming weeks.

Republican presidential nominee hopeful Nikki Haley (William B. Plowman / NBC)

Republican presidential nominee hopeful Nikki Haley (William B. Plowman / NBC)

Haley has been critical of Trump’s actions around the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. At a CNN debate in January, Haley blasted Trump for calling Jan. 6 “a beautiful day,” saying, “I think Jan. 6 was a terrible day, and we should never want to see that happen again.”

She also hit the former president for continuing to harp on the results of the 2020 election, which Trump continues to claim he won.

“That election? Trump lost it. Biden won that election. And the idea that [Trump’s] gone and carried this out forever, to the point that he’s going to continue to say these things to scare the American people, are wrong,” Haley said at that debate.

Republicans and Democrats who have criticized Trump and faced his ire have told NBC News that they are growing increasingly fearful about what “retribution” could come their way if he’s re-elected.

Republican presidential nominee hopeful Nikki Haley (William B. Plowman / NBC)

Republican presidential nominee hopeful Nikki Haley (William B. Plowman / NBC)

“I don’t think there should ever be a president that’s above the law. I don’t think that there should ever be a president that has total immunity to do whatever they want to do,” Haley added.

Just this week, the Supreme Court announced that the justices will decide later this year whether Trump can claim presidential immunity over criminal election interference charges.

If the court decides that the former president is immune from criminal prosecution for officials actions he took while president, the federal charges against him — which include charges of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding — would be dismissed.

This article was originally published on

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