Many Republican representatives are unhappy with the debt ceiling agreement, and one has vowed not to “bankrupt our country.”

Kevin McCarthy with President Joe Biden during an Oval Office meeting on the debt ceiling on May 22.

Kevin McCarthy with President Joe Biden during an Oval Office meeting on the debt ceiling on May 22.Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

  • Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have reached an agreement in principle on the debt ceiling.

  • Some Republican and Democratic congressmen are unhappy with the fine print of the deal.

  • At least two Republican representatives say they will not vote for the deal.

Several Republican representatives say they are unhappy with the debt ceiling agreement after the White House and the Speaker of the House reached a tentative agreement on Saturday night.

Kevin McCarthy said he spoke twice on the phone with President Joe Biden and reached a tentative agreement after weeks of arduous negotiations.

The deal means the US will avoid a national debt default, which could trigger chaos in financial markets and send the dollar plummeting – but the legislation still needs to be passed by both the House and the Senate.

Republican Congressmen Ralph Norman and Ken Buck both attacked the deal.

Norman, of South Carolina, called the deal “madness” in a Tweeter and said an increase in the debt ceiling with “virtually no reduction” was not what had been agreed. He vowed not to vote to “bankrupt our country”.

Buck, of Colorado, said he was “appalled” by the “assignment” to raise the debt ceiling. “At the end of the day, the United States will be $35 trillion in debt by January 2025. This is totally unacceptable,” he said. tweeted.

Democratic Congressman Ritchie Torres also weighed in and appeared to criticize one aspect of the deal in a Tweeter.

The New Yorker said it would limit people with disabilities’ access to benefits and food stamps because the agreement would “impose time limits” on the supplemental nutritional assistance program.

After the deal was announced on Saturday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared to mock Democrats for not supporting the increase.

“The Democrats look happy”, she tweeted in response to another Twitter user who said this would have far-reaching consequences, including pushing the poor deeper into poverty by limiting the duration of certain benefit programs.

Representative Bob Good also announced his intention to oppose the legislation. He tweeted“I hear the ‘deal’ is for a $4 trillion increase in the debt ceiling. IF that’s true, I don’t need to hear anything else. No one claiming to be conservative could warrant a YES vote.”

McCarthy said the text of the bill would be released on Sunday and a vote should take place in the House on Wednesday.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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