Jen Psaki Spots The Massive Problem With This Republican Re-Brand

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Sunday explained why reported Republican attempts to re-brand the anti-abortion term “pro-life” ― with one suggestion to change it to “pro-baby” ― just won’t work.

Republicans are reportedly “exploring a shift away” from their yearslong “pro-life” messaging on abortion after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and the issue cost GOP candidates at the ballot box, noted Psaki.

“I hate to break it to you, but if you call broccoli, candy, it’s still just broccoli. If you tie really nice bow around a lump of coal, it is still coal under there,” she said.

“The branding isn’t the problem here. The policy is the problem. And no matter what they call it, the truth is, the Republican platform has long been ‘pro-life,’” Psaki added. If Republicans “wanted to be ‘pro-baby,’ maybe they should stop opposing new childcare and parental leave programs, or food stamps for low-income women and young children, I could go on.”

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