Congress Should Be Informed If Iran Comes Close To Producing Weapons-Grade Uranium

June 16 – US Senator Lindsey Graham, R.S.C., wants Congress to know if Iran begins to approach weapons-grade uranium production.

Graham, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, DN.J. and U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Wednesday introduced Iran’s Enrichment Surveillance Act of 2023 that would require the Director of National Intelligence to notify Congress within 48 hours if Iran has produced or possesses a quantity of highly enriched uranium containing more than 60% uranium-235.

Weapons-grade uranium contains 85% or more uranium-235.

“This bipartisan legislation requires that Congress be notified within 48 hours if Iran produces or possesses highly enriched uranium, with a purity greater than 60%,” Graham said in a press release. “There is no legitimate civilian purpose for Iran to have enriched uranium at this level – the only reason is for military purposes. This legislation will ensure that Congress is informed in a timely manner of the progress of the Iran regarding its desire to build a nuclear weapon. I believe there is tremendous bipartisan support for this idea, and I hope it becomes law as soon as possible.”

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