The man chased the intruders away, but they came back, Ohio cops say. He was armed and ready

An Ohio man confronted two accused burglars and shot one dead after opening his front door, Columbus police told media.

The incident happened before midnight on June 17, in the Milo-Grogan neighborhood of Columbus, police told WBNS.

Two gunmen, both 24, showed up at the 26-year-old victim’s home, and he confronted them at the front door, the station reported. He ordered the men to leave, but they continued to threaten him so he ran towards the house.

The men forced their way inside and attacked the 26-year-old, WCMH reported. During the assault, one of the suspects unknowingly dropped his gun, giving the victim an opportunity to retrieve his own firearm.

Now armed, the victim forced the men to leave. But moments later they tried to get inside and kicked the front door open, at which point the victim fired a shot, hitting one of the men in the hip, police told WCMH.

The injured man was taken to hospital in stable condition, media reported.

Both intruders face aggravated burglary charges, according to court records.

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