The destruction of cultural sites is a war crime

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has condemned the Russian missile attack on the historic center of Odessa and will send a mission to the city in the coming days to carry out a preliminary assessment of the damage.

Source: UNESCO website

Quote: “UNESCO is deeply dismayed and condemns in the strongest terms the brazen attack by Russian forces, which hit several cultural sites in downtown Odessa, which hosts the World Heritage property “The Historic Center of Odessa”.

Details: It should be noted that the attack damaged a number of important cultural sites, including the Transfiguration Cathedral, the first and most important Orthodox church in Odessa, founded in 1794.

Quote from Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO: “This outrageous destruction marks an escalation of violence against Ukraine’s cultural heritage. I strongly condemn this attack on culture and urge the Russian Federation to take meaningful steps to comply with its obligations under international law, including the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the 1972 World Heritage Convention.”

More details: It is noted that UNESCO will continue to cooperate with World Heritage site managers, local and national authorities to identify urgent assistance needs.

In the next few days, UNESCO will send a mission to Odessa to carry out a preliminary assessment of the damage.

Quote“The intentional destruction of cultural sites may constitute a war crime, as also recognized by the United Nations Security Council – of which the Russian Federation is a permanent member – in resolution 2347 (2017).”


The attack left one dead and 20 injured, including 4 children. The building of the Greek consulate was damaged.

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