As Arizona and Texas experience extreme heat, how to protect yourself

A person cools off amid scorching heat expected to reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit on July 16, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.  (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

A person cools off amid scorching heat expected to reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit on July 16, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

More than 91 million Americans in the South and Southwest were subject to National Weather Service (NWS) heat alerts on Tuesday, and 79 million of them are expected to experience dangerous heat, defined by the agency as a heat index greater than 103. degrees Fahrenheit.

(The heat index combines heat and humidity: for example, if the temperature is 98 degrees Fahrenheit, the heat index will still be dangerous if the relative humidity is above 40%).

Cities with dangerous heat indexes include Phoenix, Tucson, Arizona, Houston and Austin, Texas, which have been sweltering under a lingering heat dome for weeks. Phoenix has had 18 consecutive days above 110°F – a tie with its all-time high, which it is expected to break on Tuesday.

Due to climate change and El Niño, several days this month were the hottest in the world on record.

These are the dangers of extreme heat and how to minimize them.

The health threat

Ripples of heat engulf two ladies as they cross the street Monday, July 17, 2023, in downtown Phoenix.  (Matt York/AP)

Ripples of heat engulf two ladies as they cross the street Monday, July 17, 2023, in downtown Phoenix. (Matt York/AP)

Such high temperatures, especially when combined with high humidity – which inhibits the evaporation of sweat, the body’s cooling mechanism – can cause heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke, and increase the risk of diseases such as heart failure.

Extreme heat is the deadliest climate hazard in the United States, killing an average of 700 people a year and causing more than 67,000 annual emergency room visits, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“This is the worst summer in recent memory,” Dr. Frank LoVecchio, an emergency physician at a Phoenix hospital, told NBC News, adding that his hospital is overcrowded because 20% of his current patients are there for illnesses related to the heat. .

Those numbers are likely an undercount, according to the CDC, because heat-related deaths are often misclassified.

Who is most vulnerable

Homeless resident Michael Soes sits in his tent after missing the bus to a cooling center July 14, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.  (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Homeless resident Michael Soes sits in his tent after missing the bus to a cooling center July 14, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Because heat puts stress on the heart and respiratory system, people with respiratory or cardiovascular conditions are at high risk for heat, as are people whose bodies are less able to regulate their temperature, such as babies, pregnant women and the elderly.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, low-income urban areas, which have more sidewalks, fewer trees and less grass, can be up to 20 degrees warmer than nearby suburbs. Low-income people, who are more likely to have no air conditioning at home, are more likely to suffer from heat-related illnesses.

People who work outdoors are more exposed to heat, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration says workers in extreme heat are more likely to have dangerous accidents, such as falling off a roof or mishandling machinery. The Republican-led legislature in Texas recently rolled back workplace heat safety requirements in Dallas and Austin, leaving workers without legal water shut-off guarantees.

How to prevent health problems

KC Griffin sits in a crowded room at the Justa Center, one of several cooling centers in the Valley, during a heat wave in Phoenix, July 16, 2023. (Megan Mendoza/USA Today Network via Reuters)

KC Griffin sits in a crowded room at the Justa Center, one of several cooling centers in the Valley, during a heat wave in Phoenix, July 16, 2023. (Megan Mendoza/USA Today Network via Reuters)

The NWS and other meteorological and public health authorities recommend the following key strategies for beating the heat:

  • Drink plenty of water whether you are thirsty or not. Avoid alcohol, which increases dehydration.

  • Avoid strenuous activities. If you must exercise or work outside, try to do it very early or late when the temperatures are lower.

  • Wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which contributes to dehydration and prevents your body from cooling down.

  • Stay in air-conditioned places. “If your home doesn’t have air conditioning, go to the mall or the public library,” advises the CDC. If you can’t access air conditioning, a cool shower or bath is helpful.

Know your risk

A resident fills a five gallon jug of water from a vending machine during a heat wave in Austin, Texas.  July 16, 2023. (Sergio Flores/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

A resident fills a five gallon jug of water from a vending machine during a heat wave in Austin, Texas. July 16, 2023. (Sergio Flores/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

You can check out the Heat Index on, a website launched by the Biden administration last year as part of its effort to combat the growing threat of extreme heat.

Dehydration is one of the major risks of oppressive heat. If you don’t have enough fluid to cool your body through sweating, your body temperature can rise and cause heat stroke, a life-threatening condition in which your body becomes so hot that it can damage your brain, your heart and kidneys.

Keep an eye out for symptoms of heat exhaustion, which occurs before heat stroke and can turn into heat stroke if left untreated. Symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness and weakness.

If you are sweating profusely and your body temperature is high, or if you develop symptoms of heat stroke such as vomiting, flushing of the skin, rapid breathing, or rapid heartbeat, treat it immediately.

What to do if you have symptoms

In case of heat exhaustion, the Mayo Clinic advises that you lie with your legs above your heart and drink water or sports drinks. If possible, take a cool shower, dip in a body of water, or apply towels soaked in cold water to your body.

If you do not recover within an hour or have heat stroke, take a cold bath to quickly lower your body temperature or apply ice packs to your body and seek emergency medical attention.

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