“I Can’t Fix Greedy Buttholes In Post” – Update

UPDATED: Maybe it’s the surprise visits from politicians, or the free pizza from Flavor Flav. Either way, the inspiration to craft the perfect sign remains strong on the picket lines. And we’ve got the proof below!

“You want the funny? Look at your streaming residual model,” says one.

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“I can’t fix greedy buttholes in post,” says another.

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“The pitch: AMPTP. Think corporate greed meets corporate greed in the tone of corporate greed.”

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“Bob Iger breaks treats in half,” said a picketing dog. Look, canines are suffering, too!

“Strike hard. Strike harder. Strike hard with a vengeance,” read another.

We’d hand out Deadline merchandise for the best picket sign but … a cheap hat won’t pay your bills. So we hope you’ll settle for the glory of appearing on the site that Nikki Finke built during the 2007 strike. March on, scribes.



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