Afghan Taliban suspend all activities of Swedish aid groups for burning Islam’s holy book

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Afghan Taliban says it has suspended all activities of Swedish organizations in the country in response to the recent burning of Islam’s holy book in Stockholm.

The announcement left a Swedish non-governmental aid group puzzled about the future of its programs in Afghanistan, which provide educational and medical facilities to thousands of people across the country.

The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan said it was seeking clarification from the Taliban.

Two weeks ago, a man identified in Swedish media as an Iraqi refugee burned a Koran outside a mosque in central Stockholm during the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

The fire drew widespread condemnation across the Muslim world, including in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested the incident would be another obstacle to Sweden’s bid for NATO membership, although he later reduced his objection.

On Tuesday, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman for the Taliban government, took to Twitter to announce the suspension of Swedish activities in Afghanistan.

“The Islamic Emirate suspends Sweden’s activities in Afghanistan until they apologize to Muslims for the heinous act” of desecration of the Koran, he said.

Sweden has not had an embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul since the Taliban seized the country in August 2021 as US and NATO troops were in the final weeks of their withdrawal after two decades of war. .

In a statement, the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan said it “strongly condemns all acts of desecration of the Holy Quran, just as we condemn any attempt to create conflict or hostility between people on the basis of religious beliefs. , ethnic, national or any other division.”

It was still unclear on Wednesday whether the aid organization would be allowed to continue operations.

The Afghan Taliban announced the measure on Tuesday as the UN Human Rights Council discussed the issue of burning the Koran in Sweden.

On Wednesday, the UN body endorsed a measure calling on countries to do more to prevent religious hatred following the Quran burnings in Europe, despite objections from Western countries who fear tougher measures on the part of governments do not violate freedom of expression.

Applause erupted in the cavernous chamber of the Human Rights Council after a vote of 28 to 12, with seven abstentions, on a measure presented by Pakistan and Palestine, supported by many developing countries in Africa , as well as China, India and the Middle East. countries.

Last week, Pakistanis staged anti-Sweden rallies across the country.

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